3. Level One Annual Performance Reports. Until now the only formal performance report was the Departmental Performance Report (DPR) forwarded annually to Treasury Board in September. As identified in DPG 2000, Level One Managers will provide Level One performance reports following completion of each year's activities. This will formalize a process already in place in most Level One Organizations and will permit closure and feedback to senior management with respect to their business plans. Level One Managers are encouraged to progressively flow the process down to their subordinate formations:
a. Periodic Reporting. Departmental performance reporting to DMC will be implemented progressively, initially semi-annually and then quarterly. This will permit the establishment of trends and provide senior management the opportunity to provide steerage. The Operational Status Display (OSD) will be progressively developed to include all operational units and formations and harmonized criteria. The OSD status and trends will continue to be briefed to DEM not less often than monthly.
b. Level One Annual Performance Report Content. Direction for the DPG 2001 Level One annual performance report content will be based on Table 5-1 with details issued by I February 2001. This information will include amplification of the specific measures and indicators. While a template will be provided to facilitate integration into the departmental report, there will be sufficient flexibility to permit each Level One Managers to reflect the uniqueness of their function, their own internal priorities established in their business plan and their existing performance measurement framework.
4. Coordination. Level One performance reports will be submitted by 30 June annually. These reports will be integrated, cross-distributed via the intranet to other Level One Managers, briefed to DMC and then fused with other sources to produce the Departmental Performance Report to Government in September. A list of the major Departmental internal and external reports is included as Annex B.