Title: United States - Strategic Defence Review - Supporting Essays - Objectives

The objectives of the Ministry of Defence are to provide the defence capabilities needed:
- to ensure the security and defence of the United Kingdom and the Overseas Territories, including against terrorism;
- to support the Government's foreign policy objectives, particularly in promoting international peace and security.
Supporting Objectives (grouped by outputs)
Department of State:
- to produce a defence strategy, policy and programme matched to our security needs now and in the future;
- to help dispel hostility and to build and maintain trust through defence diplomacy, and to play an effective and leading part in support of NATO, the Western European Union and the United Nations;
- to provide clear and timely strategic direction on the participation of UK forces in conflict prevention, crisis management and operations;
- to allocate available resources in the way which maximises military capability and other Departmental outputs;
- to encourage the competitive strengths of British defence suppliers and, within the framework of the Government's arms sales policy, to support British defence exports.
Military Capability:
- to bring together maritime, ground and air components into coherent joint forces under unified command fully capable of achieving the Government's strategic objectives;
- to deliver appropriately motivated, manned, trained and equipped force packages, at the required level of readiness, and with the necessary support, sustainability and deployability, to achieve the full range of agreed military tasks.
Equipment Programme:
- to procure equipment which most cost-effectively meets agreed military requirements.
Success in achieving these objectives depends upon:
- being a good, equal-opportunity employer offering a clear sense of purpose and able to attract recruits and retain well-trained personnel;
- seeking value for money in every activity of the MOD and the Services;
- communicating effectively, internally and externally, why defence matters and the tasks of our forces and the civilian personnel who work with them.