120. The South African Government of National Unity has, since its inauguration in May 1994, committed itself to a policy of arms trade and transfer control which would reinforce and promote South Africa as a responsible producer, possessor and trader in this field.
121. South Africa is convinced that effective and responsible arms trade and transfer control practices will contribute to bringing about international peace and security, particularly for the states of the sub-region and the continent of Africa.
122. Conventional arms trade and transfer and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, control principles and criteria have consequently been established to ensure that South Africa's policy on this issue conforms to internationally accepted norms and practices. (Guide to the Terms of reference of Conventional Arms Control, dated 1 May 1996 and the Non- Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act No 87 of 1993)
123. South Africa is committed to a policy of responsibility and accountability in the trade and transfer of all arms. This policy on transparency in armaments exports reflects, in particular, South Africa's commitment to promoting international peace and security, its adherence to international arms control and disarmament agreements and respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms.
124. Arms trade and transfer will be governed by foreign policy and national security interests, a system of permit adjudication, arms classification, and a specific code of conduct relating to the criteria applied when considering trade with and transfer to countries in this respect.
125. As South Africa is a signatory to various international arms control and non-proliferation agreements, it exercises a dual process for the purposes of control of the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of other arms and related dual-use capabilities that could be used in the development and production of weapons of mass destruction and/or conventional arms. This will require that in some cases, application will have to be made, by the industry, for a dual permit to be issued by the specific appointed authorities.
Appendix A: National Policy Issues