Title: South African Defense Review 1998 - Chapter XII - Appendix 4
The amount of explosives used and the purpose of ammunition are some of the factors that determine the shape and extent of safety templates. The following graphic presentations aim to provide a summarised view of ammunition used in the SANDF and the safety templates involved. Note that only the higher order ammunition (e.g. G5 instead of G2) used by relevant forces are illustrated as they exert a larger spatial and environmental impact on a terrain. Broad guidelines for safety templates in the SANDF are the following;
a) Armoured Corps
105mm Tank
b) Infantry (Mechanised) 20mm Cannon
c) Artillery
e) Navy. The different nature of the SA Navy's armoury necessitated a study of the spatial impact of its most advanced weapon, the 76mm cannon. The safety template of the cannon can be illustrated by the following:
76mm Cannon
f) Air Force The 450 kg bomb of the SA Air Force has the largest safety template of all the bombs used. The safety template of the 450 kg bomb is illustrated by the following graphic presentation:
450 kg Bomb.
Width of front
A single stationary gunpoint was used in all the previous illustrations. A wider front line will have a broadening effect on all safety templates and that will have an impact on the
shape of the template
as illustrated.
Safety templates form an integral part of any military base where armed training takes place. The size of a military base where armed training is performed is to a large extent determined by the ammunition used in training and the safety templates linked thereto. It can be assumed that the size of a military training area will increase with the use of higher order ammunition which require larger safety templates. Cognisance should be taken of spatial impact of a safety template as the constructed thereof over any form of facility (e.g. building) or infrastructure (e.g. power line) is prohibited.