Title: Germany. White Paper 1994 - Foreword by the Federal Chancellor
Dr. Helmut Kohl
Germany can look back today on the longest period of peace in its recent history, to which the Bundeswehr, side by side with the armed forces of our Allies, has made a crucial contribution.
After decades of painful division, we have regained the unity of our fatherland in peace and freedom. Here, too, a decisive factor was that the Federal Republic of Germany unwaveringly adhered to the two mainstays of its foreign and security policy - the political unification of Europe and the transatlantic partnership and friendship with the United States of America and with Canada.
Germany will not enjoy a secure future in peace and freedom unless we continue to make our contribution, as a member of the Euro-Atlantic community of shared values with a common fate, to preventing war and averting dangers and to building a just and stable international order in which human and minority rights are effectively protected.
Especially at a time of dramatic change in Europe and the world, it is imperative that we cooperate with our partners and friends to counter new types of risk and to resolutely make use of the great opportunities that present themselves following the end of the East-West conflict. In this context, the reliability and predictability of German defence and alliance policy are a major prerequisite for our ability to act on the international stage.
Today, the most effective way of serving stability on our continent is to support the fledgeling democracies of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe in their efforts to consolidate a free and democratic order in their states and societies and to establish efficient and competitive market economies. For these countries, this involves the prospect, as they head towards the future, of drawing closer to the existing Western communities. The Bundeswehr remains the visible expression of the sovereignty of our country and the preparedness of our-democracy to ward off its enemies. In the future, our country will continue to need armed forces that meet the new requirements and are equipped accordingly. Universal conscription is and will remain the expression of the individual citizen's personal share of responsibility for a life in peace and freedom.
The Bundeswehr deserves our special appreciation for that which it has accomplished over the past few years. The build-up of the Bundeswehr in Eastern Germany is a magnificent contribution to the completion of the internal unity of our fatherland. In international peace missions, the exemplary conduct, personal dedication and skill of our soldiers, sailors and airmen have enhanced Germany's standing in the world.
I would like to thank the military personnel and civilian employees of the Bundeswehr for the loyal performance of their duty in the service of our fatherland, and these thanks also include their families.
Bonn, 5 April 1994